Anthem discussion: Come prepared with, for your small group, a written page with:

The 5 main points of Anthem
At least 3 connections to Brave New World and/or real life
And finally, if dystopian novels warn us about something, what is Ayn Rand warning the reader about in Anthem?
Small group/pair reports on your terms from BRAVE NEW WORLD will take place as a way to get us thinking about connections between BNW and Anthem. Remember, the information needed for the terms is:

1. Its appearence in the book
2. Its significance in the book
3. Its historical and current significance
and remember: ANTHEM is to be read by Monday

The letter "Friendly Letter Format" addressed to Mrs. Cook and/or Mr. C (Friendly Letter Format) is due for tomorrow's class In the letter (At least one page for full points, indented paragraphs) answer as many of the following as you can: 

What do you do for fun? 
What are some of your pet peeves? 
What color best represents you and why? 
What do you like about school? Hate about it? 
Why read Dr. Seuss on the first day of class? 

And any other things you'd like us to know about you!